honey-wagon — honˈey cart, honˈey waggon or honˈey wagon noun A truck for offensive refuse • • • Main Entry: ↑honey honey wagon see ↑honey cart above. • • • Main Entry: ↑honey … Useful english dictionary
honey wagon — Facetious Older Use. 1. a wagon or truck for collecting and carrying excrement or manure. 2. a manure spreader, as on a farm. 3. a truck or trailer containing several toilets and used as a mobile rest room. Also called honey truck. [1910 15] * *… … Universalium
honey wagon — noun 1. : a vehicle for transporting human excrement 2. : a portable outdoor toilet * * * Facetious Older Use. 1. a wagon or truck for collecting and carrying excrement or manure. 2. a manure spreader, as on a farm. 3. a truck or trailer… … Useful english dictionary
honey wagon — /ˈhʌni wægən/ (say hunee waguhn) noun Colloquial a sewage and garbage disposal vehicle, as at an airport. Also, honey cart …
honey wagon — noun a) A vehicle used to collect sewage from septic tanks etc. Also called a . b) a type of multi room trailer used by film and television productions (their usage is honeywagon as one word) … Wiktionary
honey wagon — Canadian Slang Slang term for the chemical toilet maintenance vehicle … English dialects glossary
Honey bucket — A honey bucket is a bucket that is used in place of a flush toilet in communities that lack a water borne sewage system. The honey bucket sits under a wooden frame affixed with a toilet seat lid. The honey bucket gets its name from the actual… … Wikipedia
honey cart — Go to honey wagon … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
honey-cart — honˈey cart, honˈey waggon or honˈey wagon noun A truck for offensive refuse • • • Main Entry: ↑honey … Useful english dictionary
honey-waggon — honˈey cart, honˈey waggon or honˈey wagon noun A truck for offensive refuse • • • Main Entry: ↑honey … Useful english dictionary